
"choosy Lover"

I saw this blog posting today. I thought it was quite cute and that I would share it with you all. Original post can be found here.

‘Choosey lover, boy I’m so proud of you… I’m so glad you choose me baby, and I’ll make you happy’
The quiet simplicity of the song’s lyrics often deters me from singing along. I would rather listen and wear the quiet smile of futuristic understanding.
My search is for a quiet love. Ambitious love… That fearless with invisible wings type of love.
I want that old love, that Nat King Cole featuring Ella Fitzgerald type of love. But still keep it fresh love, so can Trey Songz sing the chorus?
If this was a survey, I would tick ‘STRONGLY DISAGREE’ next to the statement that reads ‘I want love to sneak up on me and yell surprise’
I want love to take purposeful steps towards me and say hello. I want to look into love’s eyes and see a reflection of my own recognition ‘Oh hello…it’s you…finally’
I want love to take me to dinner and adore the way I sometimes drop my fork. Hold my hand in the busy streets and protect me from gum wrappers lying on the floor.
I want love to know me, I want to take off my clothes and show myself, my body, my spirit, my mind, my own personal love…
I want love to judge me, upgrade me, elevate me towards a greater love; Self Love.
I am single because I am waiting…

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